AAA Construction builds 3 styles of Buildings. The deluxe building aka “The Regency” features cupolas, wainscotting, boxed-in eaves, 45 degree angles on garage doors and windows with shutters. Next is “The Elite”. It features Encased guttering with downspouts, wainscotting, and 45 degree angles on garage doors. For a more economical building with no compromise in structural integrity is “The Spartan” it features wainscotting, and 45 degree angles on garage doors.
100% of the work that is preformed at your home is by AAA Construction. From the forming to the pouring of the concrete, to the framing of the building, to hanging sheets, and last but not least hanging the garage doors. We sub contract NOTHING! It puts our customers at ease when we say ” We do a COMPLETE turn key job.”
Our Buildings are Built with All #1 Products:
– 6×6 treated solid post 5 ft on center
– Stripped with treated 2×6 lumber from the floor to the ceiling
– Engineered trusses set 10 ft on center with a 4/12 pitch
– 26 gauge baked-on enamel metal (2 tone colors at no extra cost)
– 4″ slab of concrete with a nice thickened edge
– 3500 mix PSI with Fibermesh, standard pour
– 1 garage door (Residential or Roll up) any size
– 1 pre hung metal walk through door with threshold
– Footings are priced accordingly to need and specs.
– Lifetime Warranty on Steel Siding
– 35 Year Warranty on Wood Frame
– 5 Year Warranty on Workmanship
– 1 Year Warranty on Leak Detection

Custom Concrete Work
We customize in all types of concrete work. From a simple sidewalk or patio to a parking lot. We have several stain colors and several stamps to choose from. Call AAA Construction for pricing. All of our concrete is a 3500 mix with Fibermesh. Fibermesh concrete proves a one-step fiber reinforcement system. Fibermesh fibers are engineered for concrete in compliance with building codes to provide top-to-bottom, side-to-side uniform micro reinforcement as a superior alternate system to wire mesh. If you could look into a cube of Fibermesh concrete, this is what you would see: millions of virgin polypropylene Fibermesh fibers uniformly distributed in all directions throughout the concrete mix. As micro cracks begin to develop due to water loss and shrinkage, the cracks intersect with Fibermesh fibers which block their growth and provide higher tensile strain capacity at this critical time. So, the cracks won´t develop into macro cracks and problems. This has been proven in test after test in independent laboratories and verified on jobsites throughout the world. Fibermesh fibers provide concrete micro-reinforcement without affecting mix design and additives, pumpability or placing set times or finishing.